Door jouw foto achter plexiglas te plaatsen krijgt het kunstwerk extra diepte, waarmee jouw foto tot leven komt. Door de foto niet rechtstreeks te printen op het plexiglas, maar juist te verlijmen, ontstaat deze diepte.
Door jouw foto achter plexiglas te plaatsen krijgt het kunstwerk extra diepte, waarmee jouw foto tot leven komt. Door de foto niet rechtstreeks te printen op het plexiglas, maar juist te verlijmen, ontstaat deze diepte.
Door jouw foto achter plexiglas te plaatsen krijgt het kunstwerk extra diepte, waarmee jouw foto tot leven komt. Door de foto niet rechtstreeks te printen op het plexiglas, maar juist te verlijmen, ontstaat deze diepte.
The site is huge, the site has a long history. One owned by a politician who build this beautiful villa on top of the hill. Looking at a marvelous lake. Giving his lovely lady her own private part in the garden, so she could think about the meaning of live. I can only imagine how she drank her wine in this tiny summer garden.. Offcourse the garden is symmetric and so is this summer garden, there are two of them.
One of the most famous doors in the urban / abandoned world. A door in a abandoned Psychic ward. De depth and the colors of the interior are incredible to behold, it makes you wander or wonder around in the art work. The moment I set foot on this ground I totally fell in love with this place. A place with a long history regarding psychic help.
Once build by the count of this region, after his death the premisses was “given” to the local church. Which converted it into a convent; after a financial debacle, it was decided to completely empty and leave the building. Leaving behind this particularly beautiful corridor full of frescoes. When I walked on the the hall, the sun rises and came throught the opposite window behind me. Giving it a beautiful ray of light, which it deserves.